CNAN NORD is back
F-ROUEN port facility, TCMD terminal of Grand Couronne has the privilege to welcome the new shipping service from river Seine Range to ALGERIAN ports
More than 20 years elapsed since the service from Rouen was formely performing
On 8 May The first unit of CNAN FLOAT « SS CONSTANTINE » berthed in terminal TCMD, her maritime agency was successfully organised by PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL, so was the port handling services with TCMD terminal
Which allowed the ship to to depart on saturady 9th, at 06 :15 PM
This first call will be followed by a twice monthly direct service to Algerian ports
Break bulk, Containers and heavy lifts (2x180 to 250 MT LIFT) will be welcome and PROMARITIME INTERNATIONAL, as agent will endeavour to increase the cargo flow from River Seine range to ALGERIA
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